Riparian Area Assessment (QEP-Level)
Measuring bank-full widths, assessing riparian vegetal class, and slope stability to determine the width of Stream Protection and Enhancement Areas according to the Riparian Area Regulation (RAR).

Electrofishing Certification (Supervisor)
Experienced in EF operation, fish handling best practices, fish sampling/salvaging, isolation techniques, and aspects of crew management.

Wildlife Danger Tree Assessment (DTA)
Identifying and managing danger trees according to WorkSafe B.C. criteria using DTA Field Data forms and communicating findings via GPS. I require five days under supervision before full cert.

> Swiftwater Rescue Technician (Level 1)
> Avalanche Safety Training (Level 1, 2)
> Erosion & Sediment Control Fundamentals
> Occupational First Aid (1) & T.E.
> H2S Alive Training
> Standard First Aid (CPR-HCP)
> Basic Chainsaw & Brushsaw Operator
> Snowmobile & ATV Operator Certs
> Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC)
> 1988 WHMIS & 2015 WHMIS/GHS
> Fire Suppression & Safety (S100)
> Additional Fire Cert.: S185, S235, S232



Wildlife & Fisheries
Experience includes stream and fish habitat assessments (as per RAR, QAES, and the Fish-stream Guidebook), wetland classification, ecological inventories, bird nest surveys, bear denning surveys, amphibian and fish salvages. My volunteer experience includes bird mist-netting and salmon snorkel surveys.

Vegetation & Soils
Field experience includes invasive plant surveys, erosion and sediment control, contaminated soil sampling and site characterization, revegetation and live-staking, water quality monitoring, and tree core and cone sampling.

Fieldwork Skills
Proficient in the use of dichotomous keys and field guides for plant and wildlife ID when necessary. Technical skills include radiotelemetry, live-trapping, animal handling, seining and electrofishing, the use of game cameras, and more. Plus, I’ve plenty of experience using common apps (e.g., Avenza, Gaia, Survey123, etc.) to coordinate field activities and share data.



Report Writing
Documents include Environmental Management Plans (EMP), Aquatic and Terrestrial Resources Assessments/Ecological Inventories, Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP), Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESCP), site and case-specific mitigation plans, and more.

GIS Mapping & Data Management
Experience collecting and visualizing GPS data in ArcGIS and QGIS; managing and visualizing data in Excel and RStudio; and using Google Earth, iMap, the BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer, HabWiz, and the Fish and Wildlife Internet Mapping Tool.


> Fluvial Ecohydrology (FRST588)
> Ecological Conservation (CONS504C)
> Sustainable Soil Mgmt (SOIL502)
> Professional Comm. Strategies (SOIL550)
> Integrated Watershed Mgmt (SOIL515)
> Soil Sampling, Analysis, Data (SOIL503)
> Forest Wildlife Ecology & Mgmt (FRST395)
> Small Business Management [...] (FRE302)
> Land & Water Seminar (SOIL510)